Pop Quiz

1. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: a name with no meaning
B: a pair of lovely combat boot
C: Sleeping, a coup against time
D: Life, like the taste of a backwash fruit

2. which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: A scary woman in a dead-end alley
B: The steps of a perverted man
C: The last injection into the blue veins
D: Seventy years of absurdity

3. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: The Child of Al Pacino & madness
B: The Child of Hafez & Simone de Beauvoir
C: The Child of TV and stomachache
D: The child of Akhillius and Hélène Cixous

4. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: f(5) x 32
B: = √55 x 80
C: 61 ^ 308
D: A zero after the decimal point

5. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: The prophet Moses’s punch in an angel’s face
B: The Prophet Khidr’s mysterious story
C: The prophet Jirjis’s murder & resurrection
D: The prophet Jesus’s doubts about the cross

6. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: The boat without Kian Pirfalak
B: The last look in Neda’s eyes
C: A touch of terror from beyond the words
D: A sense of music without notes

7. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: The dream of a finished poet
B: The meaning of agony
C: The dizziness of a postmodern world
D: A nameless piece on the chessboard

8. Which one is Mehdi Mousavi?

A: The last lines of exile
B: The joy of a chosen death
C: Victory in the heart of failure
D: it doesn’t matter when he dies.

Translated By Atefe Asadi

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